19A Berwick Camp - Day 3

Day 3 was all about the 3 ups - 'tidy up', 'pack up' and 'clean up', but there was still some time for activities and new challenges.

After another wake up call from an 80's icon at top volume (this time the Wham! classic 'Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go' it was time for breakfast and to create a plan for the day.

All the students packed up their gear and cleaned up their rooms. Students then rotated around some choices - they were either able to have some free time, complete some challenging activities with me or complete the camp clean up, pack up tents etc.

One of the activities we set up was a simple challenge where the kids had to work together to get from one end of a course to the other - the only trick was they couldn't touch the ground and had only one slippery pole and two tyres each to get this done. 

After a little bit of head scratching and some comments that this "couldn't be done", the discussion really started, different strategies came out and plans were hatched. In this activity the kids really learned how no challenge is insurmountable - each group succeeded and employed different techniques.

While we were having our lunch waiting for our bus we saw a truck coming down the road, we thought it might have been Mr Whippy so the kids got pretty excited. It turned out to be the annual septic tank clean out - this was a truly great teaching point! It was pretty stink to leave camp - literally!

Our camp was a huge success and couldn't have been anywhere near as successful without our parent and teacher helpers - Michael Earl, Kylie van Heezik, Nic McLellan, Sean O'Neill, Jade Reddington and Mike Jenkinson.

He hono tangata e kore e motu; ka pa he taura waka e motu
Unlike a canoe rope, a human bond cannot be severed.
