Tahuna Sports Term 1

This term has been busy with lots of sporting opportunities.

This term we had a group of three Rippa rugby players come in from Kings High School and coach us for our Rippa Rugby session . While they were here we learnt how to play Rippa and lots of other practice drills .

We also had two sessions with two Year 8 Tahuna students on how to play Hockey. During these sessions we learnt how to hold a hockey stick, how to position your body when you are playing, how to pass, and how to trap a ball using your stick.

By Archie Hall

Kelly Sport

Kelly Sports Leadership Lesson

For the term I have been going with Jeff to talk about our future and life goals. My favourite lesson with Jeff was the dream board. With the dream board we went over to the white board and we put something on the board that we wanted to do in the future or if there was anything that we wanted i.e money, phone, job, dog, holiday etc. By the time we finished the board was full which was good. I think I should focus more on this in the next year. 

By Charlie

Kelly Sports Leadership Opportunities

Kelly sports is a fitness program that teaches our class every second Wednesday.

Two students from each class were selected as leaders. Charlie and I were chosen from ours.

The leaders have talks with Jeff where he tries to get us focused on dreaming and picking goals for the near future by telling us to create a dream board.

A dream board is where you select multiple goals and print or draw a picture of them and pin them to a board or stick them in a journal.

He also asks us what qualities a good leader has and how to create or deliver a speech.

The sport sessions with Jeff are based around working towards better times on the block run and pushing ourselves to achieve the lowest time we can.

He teaches us how to not break bones and to catch ourselves if we fall.

We learn how to breathe properly while exercising and how to keep our strength.

Kelly Sports is a really good time to have fun and try our best with exercises we’re not confident with just yet.

By Melody