Frooze Ball Fundraiser
Time for a change!
This year we are introducing a couple of new fundraising activities for our school. As you are aware, in the past the chocolate sales have provided the school with the funds needed to provide IT resources that have benefited the learning of all of our students.
A culmination of different factors last year has meant that as a school community, we feel it is no longer appropriate to have our students selling Cadburys chocolate. This unfortunately leaves us with a sizeable deficit in funding.
Last year we looked at a number of alternatives and we decided on the Taieri Gorge Rail Walk event on Sunday May 6th and also the opportunity for our students to sell a healthy alternative ‘Frooze Balls’, instead of the chocolates. We will confirm dates for the 'Frooze Ball' fundraiser very soon.
The ‘Frooze Ball’ fundraiser will operate in the same way as we have done with chocolates in the past. Prizes for best sellers and also spot prizes for students who sell a box of the product.
It has been a while since we have looked at improvements in the playground area for our students and the community. The money raised from this event is going towards playground improvements.