Team 1's Big adventure out and about for a day...
Rm 3, 6 and 14 had a trip to the physics department and the Otago Museum on Thursday week 8.
Rm 6 had a very "shocking" time yesterday. At 9 am we all jumped on to to the bus and zoomed off into town. We stared at the physics department ready for some science. We split into half the class, the first half went to crash cars and the second half went to gravity.
Gravity was very fun we had to decide if a feather would fall faster then a washer obviously a washer would fall faster but if you put them in a tube with no air, surprisingly the feather fell faster.
The crash cars are carts that have a very big spring and you would sit on one and someone would push you and see what one had more power we had different sizes like tall vs short and teachers vs kids.
We had a break for morning tea then, our class headed off to the museum. In the museum, we went up to this secret room that I don't think many people knew about. Sam from the Museum was our teacher and we went into the classroom to do some experiments to go with climate change and global warming.
Our class was split into 3 groups and we went down to discovery world and did tasks and answered some questions. We were lucky enough to go into the tropical forest and see the butterflies and quail. We were so lucky we got to play in discovery world and most people went on the slide. The slide was very dark and had lots of unexpected turns. After we played for 30 minutes we had some lunch and headed back to physics.
We had so many experiments with possum fur and lights. There was a van de Graff generator it gave you an electric shock that when you touched it your hair would stick up in the air and it was really cool Brydies hair stuck up the most like a lions mane.
We had a very fun day.
By Isabella and Georgia