Visiting our buddy class at Tainui
On Wednesday, we went and visited our buddy class Hoiho at Tainui. We had prepared some questions to ask them so we can get to know what they like as an audience. We also read them a fairytale and played with them in the playground. Here are our thoughts on our first visit...
For our school's PBL project this term, we are going to be project managers by making a pantomime for year 1 students. Yesterday we visited Tainui Primary schools new entrance class to ask them questions about what they like and their favourite things. Me and Peta read our girl 'The 3 Billy Goats Gruff' and she loved it. Afterward we all went to play on the playground. Me and a few others played "What's the time Mr Wolf" and played games on the playground together. Overall it was a very fun time and I can't wait to start our PBL project. - Darcy Tavendale
Yesterday we got to go to Tainui school. We read a picture book to one or two of the children, and then we asked a list of questions, mostly about their favourite things, and would you rather questions. It was really fun getting to know them, and just being in that sort of environment. Afterwards, we got to play on the 'big fort' playground. We got to play with our buddies, which was really fun. I am looking forward to seeing them again, and writing and performing a pantomime to them. The kids we got were really enthusiastic about the questions, as well as being a bit comedic too. I can't wait to go back and visit Tainui again! - Jess Edwards
Yesterday Room 13 walked down to Tainui primary school for our PBL.
Moana, Malia and I were paired up with a dude called Mobin. we read him a story called The Princess and the Frog. We asked him some questions like "What's your favourite fairytale" and "Would you rather paw patrols or octonauts?" etc. After we finished we went out to the playground for a run around. I found out he liked playing tag and spinning around so fast on the spinning equipment. At the start, he was very shy but the more we talked the more he opened up. He told us a joke that made us crack up " knock knock (whos there?) nunya (nunya who?) nunya business" - Bella Tempero
On Wednesday, we went over to our buddy class at Tainui School. We read and asked questions like what their favourite toys were to one or two of the kids. The kids were really excited and loved the story, rating it "one hundred million out of ten". After listening to their interesting and hilarious comments, we went outside to play on the playground. It was so much fun! Our buddy showed off loads of cool tricks on the bar. I can't wait to see them again, and write, create and perform a pantomime to them. After listening to their interesting and hilarious comments, we went outside to play on the playground. - Chi Smithies
On Wednesday our class Room 13 went to visit Tainui Primary School to ask year 1’s some questions about what they like and don't like. We also read them a fairytale and after we read them a book we went out to the playground and played for a while. We interviewed the kids because in Week 9 we are performing a pantomime for them to enjoy. The kids gave some interesting answers but in the end we got some good and very helpful answers. Overall it was a very cool experience to go to Tainui Primary School. - Lewis Rae
On Wednesday the 26 of July Room 13 went to Tainui primary school to ask the kids some questions. The person me and Lewis got peered up with spoke quietly when we asked her questions but got more confident as time went by. She really liked the book we read to her. But the best part of the trip was the playground. We had a fun time playing with the little kids. We all had a great time.- Chris Jenks
On Wednesday afternoon, we walked down to Tainui school and asked some questions about what they might like to see in a play. We also read them a story and got to play on the Big Fort. We got some answers that might be useful for the script. We were told some jokes that they liked and we got some information about what they liked to watch on tv. They didn't know many fairy tales, but they loved the story that we read them and rated it 'One thousand million hundred out of ten.' It was fun seeing them and listening to their answers and I can't wait until next time. Annie Wagner
I absolutely LOVED going to Tainui on Wednesday! All the little kids were adorable and it was pretty funny interviewing them with our questions. We also read them some picture books and then played on the outside playground with them which was the best part! Some of us played tag while the little kids showed us their climbing on the playground. I loved all the kids and I can't wait to perform our play for them. Moana Spurr
Yesterday afternoon we went to visit our buddy class at Tainui. Me and Darcy had to buddy up with a little girl called Zoe.We had to ask them some questions about what their favourite things are so we can perform a pantomime custom-made just for them. Next, we had to read them a story so me and Darcy read them the three billy goats gruff. Then we went to go and play in the playground with the little kids (year 1) and they are so cute and funny. Peta Richardson
On Wednesday my class, Room 13 visited Tainui Primary School to interview the little year ones. We had a sheet of questions to ask them to find out what they liked and disliked, their favourite things and unliked things. We read a book to them and had a friendly conversation. Then after all of that we got to do my favourite thing, we got to play on the playground! The kid I was with loved the blue slide and at least went on it 50 times. We played what's the time Mister Wolf, tag and busted. We all had a great time at Tainui. - Talo Nagoshi
Yesterday was fun because we got to talk to year ones and twos and we asked them questions read them a book and we played outside with them. We asked questions and was pretty interesting because they were pretty open about everything and it was a bit odd but it was pretty cool. Reading the book to them was kinda hard because all they wanted to do was look at the pictures and talk about eating dirt and how they wanted to go outside but it was really fun and then we went outside. Outside was very fun because we were playing tag and all the kids were laughing and it was pretty cute, after that we walked back to school. - Finn Scott
On Wednesday the 26th of July, Room 13 went to Tainui school for our PBL topic. Once we arrived at Tainui we quietly entered the new entrance class and met the children. We each got partnered up with a friend, and a little kid to ask our questions too, Amy and I were partnered up with a very shy boy and an extremely talkative girl, and after our questions were asked we all went out to the playground. I loved seeing the kids at Tainui and can't wait to go back! - Caitlin Mcpherson
I really enjoyed interacting with the young ones and getting to know what they like and prefer. I loved playing with them and getting to know more about what to put in the show. I can't get to make a show/play just for them. I also can't wait to entertain them and to show them what it's like to be in Intermediate. I overall enjoyed visiting the school and seeing their cute faces and jokes. Manu Pole
Yesterday Room 13 went to Tainui to interview the year 1 kid about the things they like and their favourite things etc. we asked them lots of questions about a play that rm 13 is gonna make for them. And we read them a book. After we asked them questions we went outside to their playground and it was so cool. The little kids were having the time of their lives even the bigger kids. Moana and I went to look for a kid called Huxley. When we found him Moana, Huxley, and I were showing all of our SUPER POWERS!!! Huxley said to me that he gets a superpower every day! - Malia Lourie
We went to Tanui to ask for year 1s opinions on some questions so we can make a play on what they like. It was fun and I really enjoyed talking to the year 1s. My person was very talkative and really funny. It was nice being with people that are so young. Then we played in the playground with our year 1 buddy. It was fun to play in the playground and I really enjoyed meeting with year 1s. They were so funny. I really enjoyed playing with them. I really can't wait to see them again. I can't wait to start PBL - Covey Stevenson
Yesterday when we visited Tainui, Manu and I were paired up with a year 1 named Sala. We were told to ask some questions. She was a bit nervous at first but then we started making jokes and having fun she eventually warmed up to us and we read her the book. Once we finished the book we built a farm with Lego and she told us some things about herself. After that we played tag in the playground, we were also playing with some other kids and she was stuck to us the whole time. I can't wait to go back in Week 9. - Eliza Rowntree