Tahuna Students Visit St Kilda Kindergarten.
Room 6 visited St Kilda Kindergarten as part of their picture book unit. Students read a selection of picture books to their kindy buddies and interviewed them about their favourite picture books.
In week 5 of this term Room 6 walked down to St Kilda Kindergarten to find out more about their target audience as part of their picture book unit. Students took their own favourite picture books down to read to the kindergarten students. They played with them and got to know what each child was interested in so they can incorporate this information into their own books.
My partner told me "Superheroes, princesses and ninja turtles are what they love to read about"
Room 6 students are busy writing and illustrating their own picture books and hope to have these published in the next few weeks in time to visit the kindergarten again and gift their picture books to their buddies.