Principal News

Sports, Sports Sports...

We would like to congratulate Olivia Bates and Manuel Wehi, who welcomed their first child into the world last week.  We wish them all the very best!  We welcome Lonaye Lott who will be teaching in Room 1 for the remainder of this term, and Michelle Wrathall who will be teaching in Room 3 for Miss Bates.

As part of my role as an advisor to the New Zealand Olympic Education Commission, I was lucky enough to spend a week in Ancient Olympia in Greece at a conference on the Olympic Values of Excellence, Respect and Friendship and how education systems around the world can use these Values to influence students.

Then, probably like you, I was swept up in the excitement of the FIFA Women's World Cup, especially the amazing performance of New Zealand beating Norway.

Sports events like the Olympics and The Women's FIFA World Cup are not just sports tournaments but excellent platforms to inspire young athletes and children. The Womans FIFA World Cup promotes itself by providing a unique opportunity to witness outstanding athleticism, strategic gameplay, and powerful team dynamics.  It got me thinking about how similar our school is to the FIFA goals.

  1. RESPECT: In football, players, coaches, and fans are expected to demonstrate respect for one another, regardless of their differences. Similarly, at TNIS, we foster an environment where mutual respect is paramount, encouraging students to respect their peers, teachers, and the community.

  2. SPORTSMANSHIP: FIFA emphasizes sportsmanship as a cornerstone of the game. This means displaying grace in victory and dignity in defeat. We encourage our students to learn from their wins and losses, growing through challenges and respecting their opponents throughout.

  3. INTEGRITY: Fair play demands integrity and honesty. Footballers are expected to abide by the rules and maintain the integrity of the game. At our school, we cultivate a sense of integrity in our students, teaching them to act honestly and ethically in all aspects of life.

  4. INCLUSIVITY: The World Cup brings together teams from various backgrounds and cultures, promoting inclusivity and diversity. At TNIS, we cherish diversity and believe in the strength that different perspectives bring to our community.

  5. TEAMWORK: Football is the epitome of teamwork, where individual skills combine to create a formidable force. Similarly, we teach our students the value of collaboration and teamwork, understanding that they can achieve greatness together.

Sports can unite people from different backgrounds and cultures, and it is an excellent way to foster fair play, inclusivity and teamwork.

But with all of the positivity that can be created in events like the Olympics and World Cups, it can be lost in a second if, as parents, we, too, don't model the correct behaviours.  Many of our students will be entering the end of competitions over the next three weeks, and for some, this may be the first time your child may be involved in an official semi-final or final.  Your reactions and support will primarily drive how your child responds to winning and losing.  

Events such as the Woman's World Cup and The Olympics are influential, but nothing is as influential as mum or dad!