Activities & Costs
Our preferred payment is internet banking or through the Edge App, however you can also pay via cash or eftpos at the school office.
In 2022, the Board of Trustees agreed to enter the Ministry of Education donation scheme.
This means that in 2025, there will be no donations, fees or curriculum-related expenses charged to you. If your child decides to take part in any sort of activity that they opt into, then their account will be charged. Examples of opt-in activities are sports fees, music tuition, opt-in academic programmes such as ICAS, and Taiopeka, to name just a few. Camp is the one big event that we will still charge for. Apart from camp, if you are with your class, it will be free, including expensive events like swimming and any day trips such as rock climbing or going to the museum.
School Camp in Term 1
All Year 7 students take part in our camp programme.
The cost for Year 7 camp in 2025 is approximately $180 TBC (3 days)
The Year 8 camp will be at the start of term 2 and will be approximately $400 TBC. It is a 5 day camp at Camp Columba near Gore.
These are both a donation but if no one pays it will put future camps at risk of going ahead.
If you require financial assistance for Camps and/or Sports costs, please contact the office at your earliest convenience. All grants & funding must be applied for before the event/sport.
Tahuna has a large range of clubs, teams and activities available to our students. Most extra-curricular activities will have a cost; below are the current cost of some of our most popular sports:
Futsal $50
Waterpolo $40
Touch: $30
Volleyball: $40
Hockey: $100
Basketball: $70
Netball: $95
Badminton: $30
All prices are approximate as the individual sport/governing body, may change the cost of subscription.
Itinerant music lessons are approximately $200 per term.
Students have the opportunity to participate in Kapa Haka, Samoan & Cook Island, Choir, Orchestra. Lit Quiz, coding. We also hold ICAS Exams during Terms 2 & 3: Computing, Maths, Science, English, Spelling and Writing.
Automatic Payments/School Accounts
Many families have set up regular payments into their school account. It is a great way to budget and spread costs across the year. Most costs at Tahuna will be covered through the student accounts.
For electronic payments our bank details are;
Account Name: Tahuna Normal Intermediate
Account No: 06-0901-0368945-00
Reference: <Student's SURNAME_FIRSTNAME>
Or you can choose to pay through Edge, our Student Management System.
Caregiver Portal available online (from the end of January)
or download the Edge App (as pictured below)
To login using Edge, please use the email address you used on enrolment at Tahuna. Any queries regarding this, please contact the friendly team at the Tahuna Office
If you require financial assistance for Camps and/or Sports costs, please contact the office at your earliest convenience. All grants & funding must be applied for before the event/sport.