Boom, Crash, Fizz, Shake, Taste, Observe.
Year 7's focus on science for the term.
This term the year 7's will be learning about science fair, climate change and adaptation as they work through a variety of science activities and trips.
In June all the year 7's will be heading down to the Physics Department at the University of Otago to investigate the physical world. They will carry out experiments and observe physical phenomena. During this trip the classes will also have time at the Otago Museum with the Education Officers looking at weather and climate change. If you would like to come on this day trip please contact your child's classroom teacher.
Science fair is well underway with the children selecting their topics and focus questions. Science fair is much more than science and links to our statistic unit for mathematics, oral language presentation, visual presentations and research skills. This is a great opportunity for children to do some STEM based learning through their own inquiry.