Term 2 Electives
Electives have started up this term and room 6 were very excited to choose a subject to learn or improve on. Electives take place on Friday every week unless something more important comes up like a class trip. They happen between morning tea and lunch but after electives the students move to sport electives which consists of things like rugby, football, table tennis and much more. There are many choices for electives like chess, science experiments, wearable arts, stop motion animation and 3D printing design but that's not even half of them! They will take place in different classrooms around the school.
It will also be a good chance for students to meet and interact with other teachers besides their class teacher. Electives will last until the end of term 3 but when next term starts students will have the option of choosing a new elective subject.
Room 6 are looking forward to their first elective session and can't wait to study their chosen subject.
Article by Josh Curtis