Correction and Update - Prizegiving at Lion Foundation Arena at the Edgar Centre

13th December 1:15pm start.

At 1:15pm on Tuesday 13th December our end of year prize giving will be taking place at the Lion Foundation Area at the Edgar Centre. Our school hall is not big enough to cope with the number of students and parents that attend this event.

Start time for the awards will be 1.15pm but we ask all parents to be seated before 1:10pm.

All students will be bused to the venue but students can either make their own way home from the Edgar Centre, get picked up from the venue or be returned to school by bus. Students returned to school will be back by 3pm.

All parents are welcome to attend as there is plenty of space. Award winners will be notified by this week to ensure their parents have the opportunity to come along.

Please complete the google form below to indicate what is your preferred option for your child at the completion of the prize giving.