Weird and Whacky Scientists in The Hub!

This Term has had a strong focus on science and the science fair. Before having to come up with our big idea for the science fair we were able to choose our partners for a science fair demonstration, so it was basically a mini project which is helping us develop the skills necessary for our Science Fair Project. We had a week or so to get organised with all the equipment including a google doc explaining the scientific method. This included an introduction, hypothesis, title, aim, background research, conclusion and the link for the video so we could make comparisons. At first it seemed like a lot, and now we all understand that was the point of the demonstrations, so we could get a better understanding of the rules of fair testing. Some of the demonstrations were simple and very cool like: homemade lava lamps

balloon blow, rainbow skittles, taste tests, extracting DNA from strawberries and electricity in balloons. There were also some really hard ones like how many volts are inside a lemon and a lime and what food has the most fat? My personal perspective is these mini demonstrations have boosted my confidence and I am excited for the science fair.

— Jahliah Lousley.
