Electronics and Coding

Makey Makey and Graphite Circuits

Over the past two weeks we have been learning about how to add electronics and coding to our model making. 

We started off the term by looking at graphite circuits. These involve using LED lights a 9v battery and 6B pencil to create pencil drawn circuits. We learnt that the 9v battery is too strong for the LED and needed a resistor to reduce the voltage to 3.5v. The graphite pencil acts like a resistor while still allowing the 3.5v to get to the LED. We had a lot of fun with this and learnt about how to set up a simple circuit.

We also had Mr Cook-Bonney in to show us how to use Makey makey. We dove into our lunchboxes to turn out apples and other items into instruments.  We learnt how to do block coding using the scratch programme.  

Our next lesson will be on microbits and how to code these.
