Southland Junior Adventure Race 2024
Southland Junior Adventure Race 2024 (by Maine, Rose, Elsa and Charlotte (Room19))
We heard about this adventure race for schools in Invercargill and we thought it would be fun to do it so we had to figure out how to get there and where to stay the night before. We had some problems but finally managed to convince Rose’s mum to drive us and luckily enough, Rose’s nana lives in Invercargill!! We talked to Eilis and she signed us up for this 5hours orienteering adventure race where we had to find controls running, biking and kayaking. It was an amazing experience with more than 120 teams of years 7/8 from different schools. We started at 9h30 and finish at 14h25, in the 53th position of 122 teams of years7/8 so we did really well for our first time! We hope some more people will want to do it next year!
I had a really good time there, definitely challenging. I think if I was to do it again then I would put some time in it to train but I loved the experience. Me and my friends had a good time and there was definitely lots of laughs. Mainemere Ngatae
I really loved the experience in Invercargill but I wish we practised more so we knew more of what we were doing in the race. The trekking was really fun. The biking was really long and tiring but we all managed to finish that under 2 hours and with minor injuries. The kayaking was fun at the start but we all thought we were behind everyone else so we didin’t go as fast as we wanted to, it was floaty with holes in it so we got soaked and it was really hard to paddle. We did it under 1hour which is really good. In the end we deserved the maccas afterwards!!! Rose Connor
I really loved this experience and being able to finish the whole thing in less than 5 hours! Running was really fin. I like having to cross the rope bridge and sliding down the hills. Biking was all good, but it was quite tiring. Kayaking was so fun even though I got really wet because I had to go into the water to push the kayak to help. I really liked this race with my friends and would definitely do it again! Elsa Petraman Martin
I really enjoyed the race. It was a great experience. My favourite part was probably the kayaking because it was really fun to work together in the water. Overall, it was a great challenge that finally pushed me and my friends. It was so fun, and I think if I trained more for it I would definitely do it again. It was pretty challenging at times, but I think we did pretty good for our first time at something like that. Charlotte Morgan
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