Successful start to Term Three
Welcome back to another term. The term has started very well with the Parent - Teacher Interviews held in the first week and they were very well attended . If you missed out on one do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher and arrange one.
If you require information on what your child is learning in Reading, Writing and Mathematics at each year level the Ministry of Education have a very useful website for parents.
In week two Year 8 Students had Open day visits to the various High schools and at the same time Tahuna has had Open mornings here for the Year 6 students from our contributing schools. If you missed out or know of anyone who is thinking of enrolling and wishes to visit the school please do not hesitate to contact the school office to arrange a visit.
Well done to all our students that have experienced success already this term. In this edition of our newsletter you will be able to read about how Tahuna students are excelling in Science, Mathematics, Art, Rugby, Miniball, Badminton, Aerobics, Cross Country, Epro8 and Leadership. What a great way to celebrate our values of Respect, Responsibility, Creativity and Success.