Parent Teacher Catch up via Zoom
To book simply go to: and enter the code= hkn8r
Unfortunately due to red level restrictions we are not able to hold our normal 'Student Led Conferences'. We will be instead giving parents the opportunity to catch up via Zoom. For parents who may be unable to meet online we will be able to catch up through a phone call.
Teacher Catch Ups will be held on Tuesday 15th March 3.20 – 8pm and Wednesday 16th March 3.20 – 6.00 pm to discuss your child’s progress so far. Interviews will be 10 minutes in duration. All bookings are done on-line. Simply go to: and enter the code= hkn8r. Follow the steps on the website. If you are unable to access the site please contact the school office and we will do the booking for you.
Zoom Links Meeting IDs and passcodes will be sent out once interview bookings close on the Friday 11th March.