EPRO8 Grand Champions

Congratulations to EPRO4 who won the Otago Grand Championship EPRO8 Competition.

The annual EPRO8 competition has been taking place at DNI. This year we had 4 teams in the competition. On Monday night EPRO4 and Crankheads competed for a place in the final. The competition was tough with teams choosing between making a grandfather clock, a rat wheel, a thunder machine, or a carwash. 

The Crankheads along with 4 other teams picked the grandfather clock which was a tough build and they persevered throughout to complete as much as they could on it. Well done to the Crankheads.

EPRO4 chose the rat wheel and completed their challenge in record time. They then went on to do the thunder machine which they also completed. The EPRO4's won the night's competition and clocked up a massive 540 points the highest score this year in EPRO8.

On Tuesday night the Bluey Bunch and No Clue competed for a spot in the final. Both teams worked tirelessly on the carwash challenge. Thank you to Georgia and Faith who stepped into the teams at short notice. The challenge was hard and a sticking point was getting the duster to clean the car. No Clue managed it just before time was and secured their spot in the Grand Final.

The Grand Final consisted of four challenges all based on arcade games. The 70's and 80's were the top focus with Space Invaders, Pacman, Tetris, and a dance machine.

No Clue chose to make Space Invaders which proved to be a very difficult challenge with no teams completing the challenge in the 2.5-hour build. No Clue did manage to get their space invader moving up and down as well as side to side.

EPRO4 started off with Pacman and 30 minutes into the build decided it was too hard and would take too long to complete so they opted to restart the challenge and move on to Tetris. They caught up with the other teams who were ahead in their build time and flew past them to complete the challenge. They then went on to complete the entire dance machine within the allocated time. 

EPRO4 won the Grand Final and clocked up an amazing 560 points.

Well done to all the children who competed over the past three nights we are really proud of the resilience, problem-solving, teamwork, and effort you put into your challenges.

A big thank you to the parents who have come along and supported the kids, we hope your nerves are okay.
