Year 8 News

Financial Literacy and Trading Day

Currently, year 8 students are working on Financial literacy and Trading Day activities. 

Within these units, students are looking at minimum wages, hourly rates salaries and taxes. From here they have been learning, budgeting with groceries, paying rent. Students have also been practicing the road rules knowledge in order to apply for jobs that require a drivers licence. Students have been earning a virtual wage paying rent and creating a C.V though Banqer, an online financial literacy resource. 

Alongside our financial literacy students have been researching and preparing for our annual Tahuna Trading Day. Students have been developing ideas of how to run a small business that provides services or goods. Food stalls have proven to be popular amongst the year 8's. Students have been asked to produce a business plan in order to learn about costs to produce items so they can price them appropriately for Tahuna dollars.

As you can see students have been engaged in a lot of real world activities as much as possible in order to provide them with a rich learning experience that they can use in future years.

Trading day will take place in week 8 on Thursday 8th December from 11am to 12:30pm. I am looking forward to a great hour and a half of trading! 

Nga mihi

Rob Wells

Year 8 Dean
