Room 9 Learn Collaboratively, while at home!
Charlotte and Hannah have been missing the collaborative work approach that we have in the classroom. So, they have come up with a plan to continue learning collaboratively from home!
The girls have been using video communication tools to connect while they are working on their online learning activities during the day. They have been talking through the learning, questions and helping each other when they get stuck! This is what they have to say about it.
What we think about facetiming during online school.
Hannah's opinion~
Well we sometimes work together at school and we see each other at school every day! Sometimes people don’t understand the questions and need a bit of help but don't want to go to the teacher for help. We get the work done before 12pm. We obviously miss being at school seeing each other and want to chat and do school at the same time. I don’t think it's bad face-timing at the same time we are working.
Charlotte's opinion~
Hannah and I thought that it would be a good idea to work together on zoom and do our work at the same time, just like in class. We have done some topic together and writing. We helped each other with some questions and answers, basically helping each other just like we would in class.