Camp Day 4: Activity Day
Air Rifles:
Air rifles were one of the best activities of the whole day in most of the people's opinions in our class. The teacher set up five targets about five to ten meters away from our guns. If you shoot and hit it it would make a ding sound and if you knock it over you would get a bluecard. Every time it was your turn to shoot the gun you would get five shoots at the targets. The guns we were shooting were slug guns/air rifles. The target you were shooting was three little rat targets and a squirrel target. We were pretty close to the target but they were only little targets. Overall I think the air rifles were a fan favorite.
In archery we had to try and hit some targets within four shots. The targets were quite big but hard to hit because you have to pull back the rope/string quite far back and the arrow would fall off so you had to be steady and then when you let go of the arrow then the rope/string would burn your arm even if you were wearing a hoodie. There were two different bows one big and one small and whoever got the closest to the middle of the target then they would get a blue card. So other than it hurting your arm it was pretty fun.
Mountain biking:
Mountain Biking was still a pretty good activity. We went on the trail we hiked on and through a couple rivers. When everyone got back from biking they all had wet socks and shoes which was kind of a bummer.
Confidence course and climbing wall:
We started off at the confidence course and Mr Ford explained what to do on the obstacles then we went back to the start of the course and he started a timer to see how quick we could do it. The first obstacle was a rope that we had to walk across, there was usually a rope to hold onto while we balanced across the rope. None of us ended up getting to the end and so we moved onto the next obstacle where we had to hang onto tires and try and make it to the end, all of us ended up making it to the end. We then moved on to the next obstacle which was just walking across a rope and holding onto two
By Banjo and Riley