2022 School Council up and running!
After many tough elections throughout our 18 classrooms the Tahuna 2022 School Council has been formed. Two councillors from each classroom have been elected after bravely giving a speech to their entire classroom.
A few weeks later the school councillors had their first meeting bringing a plethora of ideas, suggestions and changes. At the second meeting we planned out how we’d like to run the School Council this year.
The succeeding important meeting was to elect the two biggest responsibilities of the School Council, we were electing two co-chairs and two treasurers. Here’s a short description on both positions:
Co-Chairs: these students run the fortnightly meeting with the School Council, they then bring the ideas, suggestions and changes raised by the school councillors to the principal (Mr. Clarke) and try their very best to implement all reasonable things students are asking for.
Treasurers: These students handle all the money coming into the School Council through fundraisers and donations. They track our spending and keep us on course financially.
Neve Russell and William Blakie were elected as our two treasurers for 2022.
The election for the two positions as co-chair was very competitive. There were ten people going for these coveted positions and all ten candidates presented amazing speeches but Rupert Lublow-Catty and Ariana McGinty managed to edge out the competition.
This year we are doing something new. We have come up with three committees for the School Council (excluding Treasurers and Co-Chairs) these include:
Campaigns Committee
Fundraising Committee
Environmental Committee
These committees do the following:
The campaigns committee will try to push all student matters over the line for example: ideas for school uniform or improvements to school playgrounds
The fundraising committee is planning when we should have fundraisers for things like Pink Shirt Day or the Cancer Society. They also plan and advertise for things like mufti days and discos.
The environmental committee is quite self explanatory, they concern themselves with all enviro-problems around our school whether it’s rubbish or our carbon footprint
The 2022 School Council is looking to affect Tahuna with as much positive change as possible this year and in the years to come
Well done to everyone who applied for the School Council and stood for all types of positions and responsibilities.
Written by Rupert Lublow-Catty.