Tomahawk lagoon water testingĀ
Alex, Louis and Nick spent most of Wednesday testing the water and counting fish. Nets had been set the night before ready for the big count the next day. They caught 395 fish in total and thousands of invertebrates.The day had been very successful but there was still much work to do.
The next day the pupils from JMC and Bayfield met at the science lab with the Tahuna students. The JMC and Bayfield students split into four groups with Tahuna making up one, There were 5 groups. Each group focused on a specific topic to write a question and answer about. It took each group the best part of two days to write their presentation. On the second day they had pizza as a reward as well as sharing their presentation which Alex will be presenting to the public on Saturday. In the end they learned lots and had a piece of pizza.