Elon Musk by Tommy Green
Have you heard of Elon Musk? not many people haven’t.
The reason I am writing about this man is due to his environmental and financial impact for the world.
Elon Musk has had a MASSIVE impact on the world from helping fight climate change to drilling massive holes underneath L.A for Teslas to drive through by themselves.
Elon Musk also founded Paypal and SpaceX, sending Teslas into space. He bought Twitter in 2022 which is slowly dying by the second.
At 12 years old he decided to make a game called Blaster which ended up being bought by a magazine company for $500 usd in 1983 which due to inflation has tripled in value now being over $1,500 which is pretty impressive.
Interesting facts:
Elon musk was born in South Africa in 1971
Elon Musk was the creator of OpenAi who owns ChatGPT
When Elon Musk was 12 he made a video game called Blaster which later was bought by a magazine company.
I personally think Elon Musk is a great guy and that he should keep continuing on with his environmental journey and his richness.