19A - Berwick Camp Day 2

By Elisabeth Donaldson

The first event to happen on day two was, Mr Min walking around with a speaker, blasting horrible pop music.

Soon after that we were being forced to run around a loop, first like normal people and the second time having to lift up wood planks and haul them with around with us.

After that we had earned our breakfast and the class was treated to a breakfast of fruits, cereals, toast and milos.

We then headed out for some exciting adventures. We were divided in two, half to go to play on the flying fox first, and the other to do the Confidence course first. Everyone had so much fun and some really challenged themselves - especially those scared of heights!

Eventually we briefly stopped running around like loons and had a snack. Then, we all charged towards the climbing walls, excited to start imitating spiders, and clambering up walls. While working together as a team most of us cleared the small and medium sized wall, while a few really brave (and light) kids got over the highest wall (around 5m!!).

Finally we had a lunch of pizza and pies, before getting into the business of tidying up. We packed up our tents, and cleaned all the camp facilities we had been using.

Before jumping on the bus home we thanked the park ranger and the parents, then we left the camp behind. 
