Latest News
Friday Elective: Hiphop
Posted: Monday June 6, 2016
One of Tahuna's electives is Hiphop, taken by Miss Leonard.
Tahuna students train with former All White
Posted: Monday June 6, 2016
Cole Gibbons and Rory Hibbert give us a run down on what it was like training with Ben Sigmund.
Quality Science Fair Investigations Noted By Judges
Posted: Sunday June 5, 2016
Day 4 - Rangitoto
Posted: Thursday June 2, 2016
What a day! Stunning weather and amazing views. Best day so far.
Boyes' Racers!
Posted: Wednesday June 1, 2016
It was like The Fast and the Furious this week in Design Tech as Year 7 students designed and created their own Down H...
Day 3 - Museum & Zoo
Posted: Wednesday June 1, 2016
Busy day starting at the Museum and on to the Zoo. A few photos to share! Hopefully more to come.
Tomahawk Water Testing
Posted: Wednesday June 1, 2016
At Tahuna a small group of students Traveled to Tomahawk Lagoon to test the water quality.
Samoan Language Week
Posted: Tuesday May 31, 2016
Mrs Alofa Lale was our Guest Speaker for Samoan Language Week.
Day 2 - Rainbows End
Posted: Tuesday May 31, 2016
More interesting weather! No queuing for any rides though. Here are some pics from today.
Day 1 -Awesome!
Posted: Monday May 30, 2016
Great weather...mostly! Plenty of fun and most importantly great Tahuna Ambassadors! Well done kids! Here are a few rand...
Netball Season 2016 Underway
Posted: Thursday May 12, 2016
The first grading games of the season began on Thursday and it was fantastic to see our Tahuna teams well presented and ...
Welcome to our 6th Tech option... Dance!
Posted: Wednesday May 11, 2016
These students have been learning all about dance this week. Rhythm, beat and understanding music have been a big focus,...
Posted: Wednesday May 11, 2016
Tahuna has 8 teams entered into this years Kiwihoops Allstars competition.
New hockey season gets underway
Posted: Wednesday May 11, 2016
This Friday the long-awaited 2016 Intermediate hockey season begins for our three hockey squads.
Science Testing in Year Seven
Posted: Wednesday May 11, 2016
In order to gain an understanding of future teaching within Science at Tahuna, Year Seven students are participating in ...
Practical Measurement Skills a big hit with students.
Posted: Tuesday May 10, 2016
Over the past two weeks our Room 17 maths class has been exploring addition and subtraction concepts through practical p...
Surf-lifesaving Success
Posted: Tuesday May 10, 2016
Some Tahuna students participated in Oceans 16 last term. Here are the results.
Tahuna Scientists Meet Governor General
Posted: Tuesday May 10, 2016
This week Louis and Alex went to the Museum to meet the Governor General. They chatted about the work we do at Tomahawk ...
Posted: Tuesday May 10, 2016
Term 2 has started well with our students settling quickly in to the classroom programmes, as well as winter sports begi...