Latest News
Year 8 Swimming - Team 4!
Posted: Monday June 27, 2016
This term the Year 8 classes have been going down to Moana Pool every two weeks to participate in swimming lessons and d...
Interschool Football
Posted: Monday June 27, 2016
On Friday the 10th June we had our first Interschool Football Match. It was exciting and overall a very successful game....
Parent – Teacher Interviews
Posted: Monday June 27, 2016
Parent/Teacher interviews are coming up and will be held on Tuesday 25th July and Wednesday 26th July.
Sports History Elective
Posted: Thursday June 23, 2016
Last week, for the History of Sport elective, the students went to the Sports Hall of Fame. Read about their experiences...
Room 1 Scientists!
Posted: Thursday June 23, 2016
Last week Room 1 did the Blobs in a Bottle experiment (commonly know as Lava Lamps) in Chemistry. It was awesome! Below ...
Intro to Scuba at Dive Otago
Posted: Monday June 13, 2016
Over four Fridays this term Tahuna students are taking part in a PADI Intro to Scuba Course at Dive Otago. Our instructo...
Wearable Arts Elective
Posted: Sunday June 12, 2016
Elsha & Tehya share what is going on in their elective this term.
Sale - Canterbury Trackpants
Posted: Friday June 10, 2016
Canterbury navy track pants are part of our school uniform and may be worn for PE. They can also be worn to and from sch...
Te Taiopeka Whanau Hui
Posted: Thursday June 9, 2016
It was great to see some new faces at our hui last term. We are always keen to see new whanau and share ideas. Nau mai, ...
Netball Development Squads
Posted: Wednesday June 8, 2016
A big congratulations to the following players who have been successful in being selected for development squads.
Food Technology School Holiday Classes
Posted: Wednesday June 8, 2016
No plans in the holidays? Want to develop some new skills in the kitchen?
Talented Designers
Posted: Wednesday June 8, 2016
Mia and Zara from Room 15 created a dress called 'Mermaid-Beach' at Wearable Arts
Explosions, fungi, trains and wild weather!
Posted: Tuesday June 7, 2016
Our Science experiments elective took off with a bang when we sent our rockets flying sky high on the school field in we...
Mandarin Elective at Tahuna
Posted: Tuesday June 7, 2016
Language, cultural understandings, games and activities.
Cartoon Elective
Posted: Tuesday June 7, 2016
Cartooning on Fridays for electives is really fun. Everyone is working on different projects or just continuing to devel...
Rugby 101 a hit!
Posted: Tuesday June 7, 2016
Rugby elective on a Friday is becoming a real testing ground for up and coming rugby enthusiasts at Tahuna.
Design Stars Elective: Budding Fashion Designers
Posted: Tuesday June 7, 2016
Twenty enthusiastic students have been sketching, planning and measuring in the Textiles Technology room over the past f...
Amberly's Aerobic Success
Posted: Tuesday June 7, 2016
On Sunday the 22nd of May, Amberly Orr competed in the Otago Gym Sports Competition.
Look at what's happening during Visual Arts Elective on Friday's.
Posted: Tuesday June 7, 2016
Having the opportunity to use a variety of mediums in art and learning how to effectively use them is what electives is ...
Fair Testing in Room 16
Posted: Tuesday June 7, 2016
Blubber Glove!! Ever wondered how polar animals stay warm in the ice cold water??