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A letter to the Tahuna Staff members.
Posted: Thursday April 23, 2020
22nd April 2020 Teaching Staff of Tahuna Normal Intermediate 31 Auld Street, St Kilda, Dunedin 9012
In Your Neighbourhood
Posted: Thursday April 23, 2020
Lots of us have been commenting on the birds we are noticing in our neighbourhoods. In our neighbourhood it is not just ...
Tahuna's Got Talent!
Posted: Thursday April 23, 2020
Posted: Thursday April 23, 2020
Room 9 Getting Creative!
Posted: Wednesday April 22, 2020
Have a look through some of the arts, crafts, and baked goods that Room 9 has been whipping up during lockdown. Some of ...
Create, inspire, imagine.
Posted: Wednesday April 22, 2020
Photos of pupils work at home in their bubbles.
Dimitri's new tune
Posted: Wednesday April 22, 2020
Some of our students have been busting through the isolation boredom by flexing their creativity in a bunch of ways - on...
Exisle Publishing
Posted: Tuesday April 21, 2020
Exisle Publishing is a local book publisher that specialises in non-fiction titles for adults about health and wellbeing...
Room 9 Learn Collaboratively, while at home!
Posted: Tuesday April 21, 2020
Charlotte and Hannah have been missing the collaborative work approach that we have in the classroom. So, they have come...
By Alexander Hattrell, Room 8
Posted: Tuesday April 21, 2020
“Hold on Timothy!” Mother yells, “I’m coming to get you, too!” The storm crackles above me. I whimper. Why has she picke...
Check out Room 8's Online ANZAC learning
Posted: Tuesday April 21, 2020
Tahuna's two award winning songwriters
Posted: Tuesday April 21, 2020
Both Grace Gemmell (Room 16) and Emily-Rose Young (Room 5) entered a song in the New Zealand Music Month "Hook, Line and...
Cheese Muffins By Alysia Sydney
Posted: Monday April 20, 2020
Here is an easy to follow recipe to make delicious Cheese Muffins!
Commemorating ANZAC day
Posted: Sunday April 19, 2020
Lola's Bubble Life
Posted: Sunday April 19, 2020
Living in lockdown is not easy at first, then you find ways to make it more interesting!.
Michael Coughlin's Breakfast Buns!
Posted: Sunday April 19, 2020
Celebrity Chef Michael Coughlin has kindly shared his Breakfast Buns recipe with us. I'm sure your parents and would lov...
Aria's bubble activities
Posted: Sunday April 19, 2020
During lockdown me and my family tried to find something new to do every day to keep us busy and entertained.
Angelina’s Quarantine
Posted: Sunday April 19, 2020
Come and hear all about my bubble and what we've been up to.