Latest News

Jo Boaler Week of Inspirational Maths

Posted: Thursday February 8, 2018

Students in Room 20 enjoy new activities for Maths.

Registrations are now open for the winter EPro8 2018 challenge hosted in our region by Tahuna Intermediate

Posted: Thursday February 8, 2018

Are you a budding engineer?, do you like solving problems? can you work in a team?

Settling into Tahuna 

Posted: Thursday February 8, 2018

What a fantastic start to the year for all our new Year 7's

Room 6 P.E 

Posted: Thursday February 8, 2018

Ice Hockey: This week classes have had an introduction lesson to playing Ice hockey.

Girls Cricket Term 1

Posted: Thursday February 8, 2018

Girls cricket is about to start and it is a great opportunity for everyone whether you have played or not!

Welcome to Room 9 2018!

Posted: Thursday February 8, 2018

Room 9 is back in the classroom, ready to learn, and loving every minute of it!

Nau mai Haere mai

Posted: Thursday February 8, 2018

The Tahuna Hall was full for the welcoming assembly on the first day of school. Te Taiopeka welcomed the new students an...

Week one in Room 14

Posted: Wednesday February 7, 2018

Elle, Lily and Jaxon with their visual Mihi

Community Noticeboard

Posted: Wednesday February 7, 2018

Notices from Community Groups

Frooze Ball Fundraiser

Posted: Wednesday February 7, 2018

Time for a change!

Touch Rugby 2018

Posted: Wednesday February 7, 2018

Touch Rugby season is here! 

Tirohanga Camp 2018!

Posted: Wednesday February 7, 2018

Here is a selection of some of our best camp photos! Favourite moments were hut making, yabby hunting, air rifle shootin...

Peninsula Bus Term One - Attention Parents!

Posted: Wednesday February 7, 2018

A reminder for all parents who are intending to have students travelling on this bus - It needs to be fully utilised! Th...

Homestay Opportunities for Tahuna Families

Posted: Wednesday February 7, 2018

In 2018 we are hosting groups of students from China. 


Posted: Wednesday February 7, 2018

 Success and Creativity are two of our core values and we like to celebrate our students achievements through our newsle...

TECH at Tahuna

Posted: Thursday February 1, 2018

This is our first week of TECH at Tahuna. We have been split into four groups and mixed with our other team classes Room...

Tahuna Values & Reward System (copy)

Posted: Friday January 5, 2018

Tahuna values are interwoven throughout the classroom programmes and everyday school life. They are also a big part of o...

Tahuna Values & Reward System

Posted: Friday January 5, 2018

Tahuna values are interwoven throughout the classroom programmes and everyday school life. They are also a big part of o...

Georgia returns from representing NZ

Posted: Wednesday December 13, 2017

We are all very proud of Georgia Stevens who is fresh back from representing NZ in Diving at the Pacific School Games in...

Konica Minolta Most Valuable Pupil 2017

Posted: Tuesday December 12, 2017

Emily Gray is a well deserved winner of the trophy this year. She was presented the trophy by our guest speaker and form...

Marae Week Images 2017

Posted: Friday December 8, 2017

What an awesome week of Māori language and cultural activities.

2017 Another Fantastic Year at TNIS

Posted: Friday December 8, 2017

The 2017 School year is coming to end and it is appropriate that we reflect on another very successful and rewarding yea...

2020 Information Book for Parents

Posted: Thursday December 7, 2017

Click on the link below for all information about 2019

Haka/ Poi

Posted: Thursday December 7, 2017

Room 16 Winners! Room 18 Runners-up!