Latest News

Room 7 model making

Posted: Wednesday August 10, 2022

Check out our castles!

Star Compass

Posted: Wednesday August 10, 2022

Mapping New Zealand back to Polynesian Explorers.

How to keep our children safe online?

Posted: Wednesday August 10, 2022

As young children navigate their way through the real world they are also coming across the digital world. This can be a...

Puppy Visits!!

Posted: Wednesday August 10, 2022

Isla brought her gorgeous chocolate lab puppy Milly in to visit this week. R13 was very excited and so was Milly! She he...

Tupaia the Master Navigator

Posted: Wednesday August 10, 2022

This term we have been focusing on Kaitiakitanga and learning that we are all kaitiaki of the past (guardians)

Spelling Champions!

Posted: Wednesday August 10, 2022

At the end of last term Isla and Gregor competed in the Extra! Spelling Quiz.

Makey Makeys with Mr Cook-Bonney

Posted: Wednesday August 10, 2022

By Charley Grubb

Board of Trustees news

Posted: Tuesday August 9, 2022

The Board of Trustees welcomes Sarah Simmers onto the Board

Year 7's

Posted: Tuesday August 9, 2022

A great start to the term.

Monohulls vs Double Hulled Waka

Posted: Monday August 8, 2022

Last week we began looking at the different ways navigators were able to discover different countries. We looked into th...


Posted: Wednesday August 3, 2022

Our term 3 project is exploring the idea that kaitiakitanga is an important concept for us to understand and that we are...

R6 Kaukau (Swimming)

Posted: Wednesday August 3, 2022

By Maddy Macaulay

Basketball Draw - Update number 2 -

Posted: Tuesday August 2, 2022

Basketball Draw for 8th of August UPDATE 2- Tahuna Thunder at 5:15 not 4:40, Tahuna Bucks are at 6:50 not 4:05, Tahuna B...

An Introduction To Kaitiakitanga (Guardianship)

Posted: Sunday July 31, 2022

By Madeline Hage-Sleiman

Kaitiakitanga- Guardian of the Past

Posted: Thursday July 28, 2022

Aurora Science Fair

Posted: Thursday July 28, 2022

Write - Pass - Read with Room 11

Posted: Wednesday July 27, 2022

Students in Room 11 are enjoying their quick creative writing activities, where they are given an image and start to wri...

Our shared lunch to celebrate the end of Term Two

Posted: Tuesday July 26, 2022

By Isabelle McCormick

Covid19 Update

Posted: Sunday July 24, 2022

Masking up for the start of Term 3

Electives and Sports for Term 2

Posted: Saturday July 23, 2022

Buses are running on a reduced timetable

Posted: Friday July 22, 2022

Notice from ORBUS Dunedin

P.E Term 2

Posted: Thursday July 21, 2022

Term 2 lent itself to more sport specific sessions such as hockey, football and badminton.

Term 2 Chemistry

Posted: Thursday July 21, 2022

Across Term 2 Rm 16 delved into the world of Science, getting a glimpse of what Chemistry entails.

Calling for Parent Nominations for our Board of Trustees

Posted: Tuesday July 19, 2022

Nominations are open for the election of 5 parent representatives to our school board of Trustees. Nominations close nex...