Latest News

What's Coming Up At Tahuna

Posted: Thursday April 30, 2015

Great start to Term 2

Posted: Thursday April 30, 2015

There is plenty going on at Tahuna already this term.

Highlanders come to Tahuna

Posted: Thursday April 30, 2015

Four members of the Highlanders came to Tahuna on Thursday to answer questions and play touch.

ANZAC Day In the Library

Posted: Thursday April 30, 2015

As usual Mrs Burrows our Librarian has supported our focus on Anzac Day through creating a fantastic display of the many...

Year 6 Science with Mrs Atkinson

Posted: Thursday April 30, 2015

On Thursday Year 6 students from our contributing schools arrived at Tahuna ready for some hands on, exciting science in...

Volleyball at Tahuna

Posted: Wednesday April 29, 2015

2015 marks the first time Tahuna has been involved in the Dunedin Schools Volleyball competition. 6 teams represented Ta...

Room 13 Camp

Posted: Wednesday April 29, 2015

The weather was wild, but room 13 started the term in the best way Camp!!

Otago Swimming Champs Results

Posted: Tuesday April 28, 2015

The biggest ever Tahuna team recently competed in the Otago Primary Schools Swimming Champs. Here are the results.

Year 7 Term 2 

Posted: Tuesday April 28, 2015

It's the start of another full on term at Tahuna for our year 7 students  with a big focus on class camps & Science topi...

Term 2 for Year 8's

Posted: Tuesday April 28, 2015

Chemistry, Swimming, and Standing Up for Myself are the major topics for Year 8.

Chemistry for Year 8's

Posted: Tuesday April 28, 2015

Room 9 visit the Tahuna Science Lab for Chemistry

Electives in Term 2

Posted: Monday April 27, 2015

The start of Term 2 also means the start of the Tahuna Elective programme. At the end of last term all students selecte...

Hard Materials

Posted: Thursday April 23, 2015

The year has been flying by. Our Year Eight Students have now completed their first unit on Compound Curves. The Year Se...

Our Week of Remembrance

Posted: Monday April 20, 2015

Hannah Wybrow and Madi Wells take time out to smile at the camera as they finish placing crosses holding the names of so...

Otago U13 Reps Basketball Trials

Posted: Monday April 20, 2015

For those interested in representing Otago in Basketball

Educational Opportunity for Ngai Tahu students

Posted: Wednesday April 15, 2015

Ngai Tahu will pay for one term of tuition at Number Works n Words for students who are registered with Ngai Tahu. For m...

Tahuna's Oxfam Morning Tea Thursday 14 May

Posted: Friday April 10, 2015

Year 8 Food Technology students will be baking up a storm using Fairtrade ingredients and all of these delicious items w...

Otago Table Tennis Rep

Posted: Friday April 10, 2015

Matt Clarkson recently represented Otago in the Junior Shield tournament against Southland in Invercargill yesterday.

Highland Dancing Success

Posted: Friday April 10, 2015

Morgane Torr  competed over the school holidays, she attended 2 Highland Dancing competitions and did rather well in bot...

Holiday Programmes

Posted: Saturday April 4, 2015

Checkout the different Holiday programmes available in our community.

Inspirational Speaker visits Tahuna

Posted: Monday March 30, 2015

Cam Calkoen visited Tahuna again on Monday and his inspirational message was once again greeted with a huge amount of en...

Tahuna Values Bands Awarded in Assembly

Posted: Monday March 30, 2015

Our Blue Card system has had a shake up and the old bronze, silver and gold cards have been replaced by colourful, new V...

Chocolate Fundraising Prizegiving

Posted: Monday March 30, 2015

At the last two assemblies we have rewarded students who achieved outstanding selling records during our recent fundrais...

Cooking at Camp Waiora

Posted: Monday March 30, 2015

A Cooking Group at Room 9's Camp cook their patties for tea.