Latest News
2020 Enrolments - Close today-Monday 2nd September at 3pm
Posted: Friday August 9, 2019
We are taking enrolments for 2020. Please encourage friends and family who are yet to enrol their son or daughter to do ...
Rock Climbing in Year 8
Posted: Thursday August 8, 2019
Room 20 recently visited the Rock Climbing Wall
Winter Luging
Posted: Thursday August 8, 2019
On the 4th of August 2019, Nic Schollum of Tahuna competed in the NZ Championship (or Nationals) for winter luging held ...
Practical Mathematics in Room 20
Posted: Wednesday August 7, 2019
Students from R20 Maths measure the perimeter and area of shapes around the school.
Tahuna 1st XI Football win.
Posted: Wednesday August 7, 2019
Photos of our sports exchange with Oamaru Intermediate
Posted: Wednesday August 7, 2019
Last week, Year 8’s had the opportunity to visit some high school Open Mornings to help them decide which school they wo...
Science Fair 2020
Posted: Wednesday August 7, 2019
Calling all scientists. Get your experiments and investigations ready.
Tahuna Ski Trip 2019
Posted: Wednesday August 7, 2019
42 Tahuna students spent the first weekend of term at Coronet Peak. By Becca & Lukas Rm 17
Stencilling and spray painting
Posted: Wednesday August 7, 2019
Within Art Electives pupils are learning how to create stencils and how to spray paint.
Have a look at what the Yr7 pupils creating in Art.
Posted: Wednesday August 7, 2019
Enjoy looking at all the wonderful vibrant art being created by the year 7 pupils.
Open night pupils in the Art room
Posted: Wednesday August 7, 2019
Look at what the pupils were up to in the Art room during Tahuna's Open night.
Tahuna students dominant at Otago Hip Hop Regionals
Posted: Tuesday August 6, 2019
Anika Strange, Georgia Divers, Safera Wintrup, Tessa Davey and Melody Buckby all bring medals home from Friday's Regiona...
STEAM in The Hub
Posted: Monday August 5, 2019
Using our science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills to create and compete in the inaugural Hub marble run!
Tahuna Music Update
Posted: Wednesday July 31, 2019
From clarinet lessons to marimba bands, from the Dunedin Ukulele Jam to Band Quest, music at Tahuna Normal Intermediate ...
Tahuna An Exciting Place To Be
Posted: Sunday July 28, 2019
Term 4 has begun very well with everyone settling back into school routines after the holiday break and it is hard to be...
Year 8 Programme and Activities
Posted: Wednesday July 17, 2019
Check out the article below to find out what is happening in Year 8 for Term 3.
Characters Being Brought To Life!
Posted: Friday July 5, 2019
As part of our novel study, we created our favourite characters using recyclable resources. We then brought them to life...
Oamaru Intermediate Exchange
Posted: Thursday July 4, 2019
Perfect day yesterday for the exchange especially for the Soccer, Rugby and Hockey outside in the sun. Aside from the re...