Latest News


Posted: Monday February 13, 2017

Room 6 students have completed their first rotation at technology and have created some amazing looking key rings.

STEM challenges

Posted: Monday February 13, 2017

Science, Technology, English and Mathematics

First aid training

Posted: Monday February 13, 2017

Before we ventured on camp Room 12 completed a much needed course on first aid.

Room 19 Class Councillors

Posted: Monday February 13, 2017

Room 19 has elected it's class councillors for 2017

MLA'S Vist Room1

Posted: Saturday February 11, 2017

The Mandarin Language Assistants are Introduced to  a Kiwi Classroom 

Room 1 Visit Rongo Stone Monument

Posted: Friday February 10, 2017

Students in Year 8 have been learning the significance of the Rongo Stone statue situated on Portsmouth Drive, Dunedin.

Position and Orientation Inquiry Learning

Posted: Thursday February 9, 2017

Settling in the Tahuna Way!

Posted: Thursday February 9, 2017

We are proud to say we have all settled in to the Tahuna culture  and are still smiling!! 

Interested in Aerobics?

Posted: Thursday February 9, 2017

Please see attached flyer


Posted: Thursday February 9, 2017

Sports are underway already in Term One. Please remind your children to go along to meetings if they are interested in p...

Ni Hao to our new Mandarin Language Assistants for 2017.

Posted: Thursday February 9, 2017

Tahuna is lucky again to have three wonderful language assistants for 2017.  They are very excited to begin teaching and...

Year 8 2017

Posted: Thursday February 9, 2017

Welcome to Year 8 2017. 

Public Health Nurse Services at Tahuna

Posted: Thursday February 9, 2017

Public Health Nurse
Julie Buxton

Introducing Room 12! 

Posted: Wednesday February 8, 2017

Room 12 (Miss Leonard) a year 8 class and most of us are sporty! We love the game 'Stop' (a game a bit like cricket but ...


Posted: Wednesday February 8, 2017

Tuesday 21 February 2017 –
Kavanagh Auditorium
(7-8.30pm, doors open
6.30pm for door sales)

Respect in Room 9

Posted: Wednesday February 8, 2017

A great start to 2017!

Electronics - Internet of Things - Year 7 & 8 Design Tech.

Posted: Wednesday February 8, 2017

This term both year groups are learning about Electronics. 

Team 19

Posted: Wednesday February 8, 2017

Developing our team unity

Enrichment Activities at Tahuna

Posted: Wednesday February 8, 2017

"Need to stretch the mental elastic or stimulate those creative juices? Then the Extension Activities Progamme at Tahuna...

Road Safety Around Tahuna

Posted: Tuesday February 7, 2017

With the start of another school year and many students travelling to and from school it is timely to remind our school ...

Search for Talented Singers

Posted: Tuesday February 7, 2017

The Southern Children’s Choir is looking for a group of 32 talented children

Great Start in Year 7!

Posted: Tuesday February 7, 2017

What a wonderful start to the year.

"Question Number One. Who wrote.............."

Posted: Tuesday February 7, 2017

In the photo above Ava Reid, Josephine Tarasiewicz, Tamara Freeland and Charlotte Campbell are resting against the giant...

2.4 Km Run! Easy!

Posted: Tuesday February 7, 2017

Well that's what you might think based on these Room 8 students' smiles as they hold aloft their Bronze Badges.