Latest News
Posted: Monday August 3, 2015
This term is our Health focus term with students involved in a wide range of health related learning.
Homestays Needed for Thai Students
Posted: Monday August 3, 2015
We have four Thai boys coming to Tahuna for the first two weeks of Term 4. Any Tahuna families who are interested in hos...
Trash Art!
Posted: Sunday August 2, 2015
As part of the Cadbury's Chocolate Carnival, the Keep Dunedin Beautiful project ran a "Trash Art" competition.
Otago Rugby Trials
Posted: Sunday August 2, 2015
In the weekend a group of students and I trialled for the Under 65kg, 48kg and 38kg.
Canteen changes
Posted: Saturday August 1, 2015
Due to Marlow Pies moving their base from South Dunedin they are no longer able to deliver their products to Tahuna. We ...
Achievements by Tahuna Students
Posted: Saturday August 1, 2015
All articles about student achievements have been contributed by students themselves.
Sarah Cohen visit.
Posted: Saturday August 1, 2015
8 Year 7 students attended an assembly item held at Sarah Cohen school yesterday making a huge impression.
Extra Spelling Quiz 2015.
Posted: Friday June 19, 2015
Brilliant. This was not one of the spelling words but sure did sum up the mood in the hall this evening as Tahuna does i...
Posted: Thursday June 18, 2015
The recent flooding in Dunedin has been used as a creative writing focus. The three pieces of writing below are example...
Room 1's Climbing Wall Experience.
Posted: Wednesday June 17, 2015
All Year 8 classes are involved in an EOTC activity day which involves visiting the climbing wall at Logan Park High Sch...
Remuera Trip in Term Two 2016
Posted: Wednesday June 17, 2015
The thirty students who travelled to Auckland this year had a great time.
Students practising effective online research.
Posted: Wednesday June 17, 2015
Not getting the information you need? Unsure how accurate it is?
Swimming Success!
Posted: Wednesday June 17, 2015
Jessica Scott with her 9 gold and 2 silver medals that she won at the Neptune Queen's Birthday Swimming Competition at M...
My Awesome Project!
Posted: Wednesday June 17, 2015
In Hard Materials we were learnt about 3D Modular Systems with Mr Arnold.
Create sweet sounds on our electronic drum kit.
Posted: Wednesday June 17, 2015
If you interested in playing drums, we have this awesome kit that is all set to go. This drum kit has 20 sound effect a...
New Seismograph in Library
Posted: Wednesday June 17, 2015
A seismograph is the newest addition to the Tahuna Science Programme.
My Inspiration
Posted: Monday June 15, 2015
I don't know what my life will look like in ten years time but for now....... I want to help others
achieve their goals...
Te Taiopeka Whanau Hui
Posted: Saturday June 13, 2015
Meeting in staff room to discuss a wide variety of topics. Nau mai..... haere mai.....
Police Challenge
Posted: Wednesday June 10, 2015
Tahuna students participating in the Police Cahllenge
3D Printer
Posted: Monday June 8, 2015
One of the Electives this term has been using a design programme called Sketch Up.
Ages 7-13 years, no experience necessary.
Posted: Sunday June 7, 2015
Basketball Otago is proud to offer another school holidays program that will include basketball skills & other fun activ...
Children’s Show at Fortune Theatre this July
Posted: Friday June 5, 2015
On your marks… Get set.. Kaboom!