Latest News

Tahuna Waterpolo!

Posted: Tuesday April 9, 2019

What an awesome season! Bring on Term 4!

Looking ahead to Term two.

Posted: Tuesday April 9, 2019

Sports, science, chess, robotics and electives, it is all go for next term

Short Stories By Room 6

Posted: Tuesday April 9, 2019

Room 6 have been working on creative writing this term. Here are a few stories for you to enjoy!

Cromwell Triathlon Results!

Posted: Tuesday April 9, 2019

'Fri-Yay' Mathematics!

Posted: Tuesday April 9, 2019

Team 4 have combined classes to complete practical, hands on 'Fri-Yay' maths sessions (on a Friday morning).

Miniball at Tahuna!

Posted: Tuesday April 9, 2019

Information about the Term 2 and 3 Miniball Season!

Tahuna - Where the Adventure Begins

Posted: Tuesday April 9, 2019

We have an amazing start to the school year and judging by the feedback from our students they have made the most of the...

Term 1 Volleyball

Posted: Monday April 8, 2019

Well done to all involved on another successful season. Looking forward to Term 4!

Room 17 Camp

Posted: Monday April 8, 2019

Room 17 had an amazing time at Camp this Term. It was a great experience for everyone and a special time to be together ...

Otago Champs Swimming

Posted: Monday April 8, 2019

A successful haul for Tahuna at the pool!

Year 8 Term 2

Posted: Monday April 8, 2019

Tahuna Sports Term 1

Posted: Monday April 8, 2019

This term has been busy with lots of sporting opportunities.


Posted: Monday April 8, 2019

Success and Creativity are two of our core values and we like to celebrate our students achievements through our newslet...


Posted: Saturday April 6, 2019

On Friday, 29th of March, students voiced their desire to do something practical to assist the families of victims and s...


Posted: Saturday April 6, 2019

Last week, a water box was donated to the school from the company Stantec, for our ongoing Y8 interest in our local Tahu...

19A Berwick Camp - Day 3

Posted: Friday April 5, 2019

Day 3 was all about the 3 ups - 'tidy up', 'pack up' and 'clean up', but there was still some time for activities and ne...

19A Berwick Camp - Day 2!

Posted: Friday April 5, 2019

After an exciting night in our tents we were ready to tackle the challenges of day 2, which included our tramp and a who...

19A Berwick Camp 2019 - Day 1!

Posted: Friday April 5, 2019

After weeks of anticipation and excitement, the day finally arrived - we were off on camp!!

Year 8 Tahuna Art work

Posted: Friday April 5, 2019

Portraits of pupils

Year 7 Students creating their Art piece.

Posted: Friday April 5, 2019

Creativity in action with year 7 pupils.

Tahuna Girls Football

Posted: Thursday April 4, 2019

Pleasing to see year 7 & year 8 girls are keen to play football.

Hockey Skills

Posted: Thursday March 28, 2019


Posted: Thursday March 28, 2019

Jeremy, Alex and Ollie had a successful season. Looking forward to Term 4 and maybe some new members joining :)

Tahuna Netball Trials: This weekend!

Posted: Thursday March 28, 2019