Latest News

Tahuna Board of Trustees Election 2019 - seeking parent Nominees

Posted: Thursday May 30, 2019

Close of Nomination 12 noon Friday 31 May

Ramadan in Room 13

Posted: Thursday May 23, 2019


Posted: Wednesday May 22, 2019

Stunning day today for our tramp. The team set a new Tahuna record for getting to the top of Rangitoto. Will have some m...

School Closure Notice - Teacher Strike Wednesday 29th May

Posted: Wednesday May 22, 2019

As you will be aware there is impending strike/industrial action scheduled for a full day on Wednesday 29th May.

Day One on Tour

Posted: Tuesday May 21, 2019

Kelly Tarltons, Sky Tower and a walk around the city including a flying visit to the Art Gallery. More photos from today...

Bringing our science heroes to life!

Posted: Monday May 20, 2019

In the Hub we're using a range of tools to learn about science and scientists including 3D augmented reality.

Friday Electives

Posted: Thursday May 16, 2019

This term on a Friday we have had the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of cultural electives.


Posted: Thursday May 16, 2019

Last reminders to cover with your child. Thanks

Fair Testing

Posted: Thursday May 16, 2019

Crystal making is so much fun!

Science Fair

Posted: Thursday May 16, 2019

Room 6 have been busy deciding what they are going to do their science fair on this term.

Welcome to Room 6

Posted: Thursday May 16, 2019

Room 6 would like to welcome Kadin to our class this term.


Posted: Wednesday May 15, 2019

Room 6 have been exploring all things statistical using a fun resource based on dragon statistics.

Extracting real DNA in the Hub!

Posted: Wednesday May 15, 2019

Who knew you could extract DNA from a strawberry? Well we do now!

Ngā Mea Māori Elective

Posted: Sunday May 12, 2019

The students above enjoy their first session of Ngā Mea Māori Elective.

Suggested Gear List Remuera

Posted: Wednesday May 8, 2019

All pretty straight forward. Most important thing to take with you is your common sense!

Tahuna Netball Registrations 2019

Posted: Tuesday May 7, 2019

Just a reminder that all students playing netball need to complete an online registration for Dunedin Netball by Wednesd...

Discussion Points for Parents

Posted: Saturday May 4, 2019

Please feel free to email or call me regarding any of these points


Posted: Saturday April 27, 2019

Although small in numbers, these students were big in heart when they turned up to pay their respects to those who have ...

Paid Union Meeting

Posted: Friday April 26, 2019

The Teachers' Paid Union Meeting is next Wednesday 8th May.


Posted: Thursday April 25, 2019

Here it is! What we are doing for the week!

Term 1 Futsal - it's a wrap!

Posted: Friday April 12, 2019

A huge term of futsal is now complete and we had teams representing Tahuna in the finals this week!

Are We There Yet?

Posted: Thursday April 11, 2019

Room 5 and Room 12 Exhibition

Netball: Southern Steel Press Conference

Posted: Thursday April 11, 2019

On Friday 5th April, Gina Crampton and Kate Heffernan two members of the Southern Steel netball team came and ran a pres...

Touch Rugby season!

Posted: Wednesday April 10, 2019