Latest News
T20 Century for Jacob Murray
Posted: Wednesday March 2, 2016
The boys cricket team won through to the next round against the top Southland team this week. An excellent all round per...
Posted: Wednesday March 2, 2016
In Week4 Room 6 was the first Year 7 class to go camping at Tirohanga.
Posted: Wednesday March 2, 2016
Over the last few weeks all Year 7 classes have been lucky enough to have three drama sessions with Cindy Diver focussin...
Room 14 on the Rail Trail
Posted: Tuesday March 1, 2016
Room 14 had a great day on the Rail Trail this week as part of their Camp at Sutton just out of Middlemarch.
Posted: Tuesday March 1, 2016
Theatresports has been very popular at Tahuna the last few years. Mr Waters is always keen for new blood so go and talk ...
Connor test driving his Lego electronics project
Posted: Tuesday March 1, 2016
Year 8 students are designing their own electronics projects in Design Tech
Year 7 Tahuna Artist's
Posted: Tuesday March 1, 2016
Creative student art work based around Tahuna School Values.
Swimming Success
Posted: Monday February 29, 2016
Madi Wills achieved national recognition at the recent NZ Champs. She won a Gold and a Bronze. A number of students also...
In the Library
Posted: Monday February 29, 2016
Mrs Burrows loves to buy new books for the library. If there are any books that you like to read and she doesn't have th...
Vision Screening for Year Seven
Posted: Sunday February 28, 2016
Vision screening for Year Seven students is coming up soon. Here is some information about this process.
Tahuna Students Excel in Surf Lifesaving
Posted: Sunday February 28, 2016
Tahuna students were to the fore at the Southern Regional Surf-lifesaving champs at New Brighton Beach, Christchurch hel...
Girls Cricket Tournament
Posted: Sunday February 28, 2016
The Tahuna girls cricket team competed in the NZ Post Shield competition on Tuesday 23rd Feb.
Tahuna Netball 2016
Posted: Sunday February 28, 2016
So far 150 students have registered their interest in playing netball for a school team.
Learning Mandarin!
Posted: Sunday February 28, 2016
Nĭ hăo! Lessons have begun for all of Tahuna's students as well as 10 other schools in the Otakou Cluster.
Would you like to learn more about Tahuna’s
Te Taiopeka Whānau?
Posted: Friday February 26, 2016
We have a hui on Thursday 10th March at 5pm, Tahuna Staff Room. All whānau welcome.
Chocolate Fundraiser
Posted: Friday February 26, 2016
The chocolate fundraiser is going well again this year. We are hoping to have one more big push over the next week befor...
NZ Post Boys Cricket Victories
Posted: Thursday February 25, 2016
The Boys First XI started off it's campaign with two victories last week.
Posted: Saturday February 20, 2016
4O Competitors and 20 medalled! Eight events four wins and a sack full of silver and bronze.
"Why be Average when you can be Amazing?"
Posted: Wednesday February 10, 2016
Having Adventures in the Great Outdoors
Posted: Wednesday February 10, 2016
Outdoor Education provides an opportunity to enhance the wellbeing of individuals, groups and communities by involving t...
Sporting Opportunities in Term One
Posted: Wednesday February 10, 2016
Sports are underway already in Term One. Please remind your children to go along to meetings if they are interested in p...
Room 9 Visit the Otago Museum
Posted: Wednesday February 10, 2016
As part of our Year 8 Unit on Pasifika, all Year 8 classes will visit the Otago Museum to take part in the Maori Art and...
What's Happening in Year 7?
Posted: Wednesday February 10, 2016
It has been a wonderful start to 2016 in Year 7 with our new Tahuna students looking fantastic in their uniforms and eag...